2016 Belpoggio Brunello di Montalcino

I bet you’ve wondered what makes a great wine, great? There are many factors such as the region, the quality of the grapes, the winemaking, and a good harvest. It's safe to say that today's wine offer not only accomplishes all those factors but exceeds them. Today's brilliant wine is called 2016 Belpoggio Brunello di Montalcino.

The first thing we need to discuss is the year because 2016 was a vintage for the ages. It is considered (alongside with 2015) Brunello’s best vintage EVER and was awarded 99 points by Wine Spectator, calling it a “Textbook growing season".

James Suckling also stated, “If you ever wanted a Brunello di Montalcino for your cellar to age for decades, then buy the 2016 vintage.”

Belpoggio is quickly becoming one of the very best producers of Sangiovese in all of Italy. The vineyard's location is considered one of the best for Sangiovese and allows the natural elements to produce wines of unparalleled quality. 

I’ve tasted many great Brunello’s in my life, but this one was different, this wine was glorious. Maybe it was the delightful taste or maybe it was the insane price of less than $50/bottle, who knows? What I do know, is that this wine surpassed my wildest dreams and it will surpass yours too!


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