The world of wine is being inundated with organic wine trends, but the fact is that there is a lot of misinformation about organic wines, organic grapes, and natural wines, which includes misinformation as to which wines qualify as organic wines. If Big Hammer Wines can educate wine lovers through our extensive research and sourcing values rather than just pushing it because it is trending, then wine drinkers would understand how the organic and sustainable movement is both enhancing the wine industry and paving the way for a sustainable future... which is something we should all care about.
As times are changing in the world of wine, as the demand for handcrafted, smaller production wines goes up, we are seeing more and more boutique producers making wine in a mindful manner. Among the sea of inflowing beautiful labels coming from the newest winemakers on the block, there is a range in quality of wine. Ideally we would love it if every bottle of wine from every producer was great, but someone needs to sift through these wines and discover the gems. Not everyone has the time and energy to do their due diligence, finding exceptional producers that make wine that is not only sustainable, organic, or natural, but also making wine that is delicious. This is what we are here for, we taste wine daily, looking for the best producers making wine at the best prices, so that you don’t have to. Our sourcing values are something that we are very proud of.
This is exactly how the Real Wine Club originated. This selection of wines is always focused on sustainable and natural winemakers, showcasing some of our favorite wines. They are wines from producers who value innovation and the future. With their help, we have carefully curated each case with wines that meet our strict standards.
Here are some of the boxes that must be checked before we will even consider a wine for this club:
- Negligible Sugars - In essence this club is focused on dry wines, and not just wines that pass as dry but have truly been fermented dry.
- Low Sulfites (< 75ppm) - All wine will have sulfites as a result of fermentation, but these wines will have only a small amount if any added to the wine.
- Low Alcohol(< 13.5%) - The producers that we choose for this club focus on producing wine that showcases varietal characteristics and a sense of place, lower alcohol is a pleasant side effect of that.
- No Additives - Specifically no coloring, no added sugars, no commercial yeasts, no acid (citric acid) or buffers (calcium carbonate), and no clarifying agents
- Hand harvested - Humans are have a more delicate approach to harvesting than machines, bringin in whole fruit provides better control over the winemaking process
- Indigenous Yeast- By fermenting the juice with only the yeasts present on the grape skins, winemakers are again adding to the sense of place and not adding in any outside ingredients
- Small, Family Productions- Supporting small family farms is not only important to our overall mission, but this wine club guarantees that you will be buying products from a small producer.
- Mouthwateringly Delicious- We taste every wine before including it in the club box guaranteeing that it meets our standards.
- Naturally or Biodynamically Farmed- The exclusion of chemical fertilizers and pesticides is important for the sustainability of a farm to learn more about these standards you can read our blog here.
The Real Wine Club is full of wines that we would drink on a daily basis, wines that have less of an impact on the environment that they are produced in and don’t have chemical additives. Our passion for this type of wine is the main reason for this club, we wanted to share our love for this wine with you.
The club comes in a couple flavors, if you only wanted to get red wines or if you would prefer a mix, you can toggle between those options. Additionally you can choose between 6 or 12 bottles per shipment.
Join us for adventures in wine. Break down barriers and step outside of the norm.
Big Hammer Wines
The wine experts at Big Hammer Wines taste thousands of wines every year from around the globe, looking for quality and value. This special offer reflects the passion we have for our clients.
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