new website just for spanish-speaking wine lovers

Happy New Year! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo! Spanish-language wine geeks, you now have an online retail shop of your own.

Big Hammer Wines brings Puros Vinazos to Latins and Hispanics in the U.S.

According to Pew Research, the Latin population in the U.S. grew to 60.6 million by 2019, a growth rate of 19.5% since 2010.

This significant growth in population translates into increasing economic and political influence.

In 2021, the wine professionals at Big Hammer Wines started a new Spanish-language website dedicated to serving this essential demographic.

 courting hispanic wine consumers

Courting Hispanic Wine Consumers

The Hispanic population is large and growing. But why did Big Hammer Wines want to start a Spanish-language only wine website? Do Latins drink a lot of wine?

A few facts about Hispanic consumers:

  • Makeup about 16% of the U.S. population but only 7% of wine purchases.
  • Spend less on wine than other Americans due to younger demographics and lower incomes.
  • 52% prefer speaking Spanish instead of English.
  • 56% of adults speak mostly Spanish at home vs. 40% who speak English.
  • Tend to shop less often than other Americans, spending more each visit.
  • Food and beverages, including alcoholic beverages, consume a higher portion of their budgets.
  • Spend more time online and on mobile devices.

(Data: Vintage Economics, The Pew Hispanic Center, Nielsen State of the Hispanic Consumer)

Many Latin consumers would prefer to shop in stores and on websites featuring Spanish, if possible.

A Spanish-language wine website makes total sense! But it took the right company with the right vision to make it happen.

ine Problem, Wine Solution

Wine Problem - Wine Solution

All wine lovers want the best wines at the best prices and to share their love of wine. Big Hammer Wines breathes this mission. The company saw the opportunity to offer Latin consumers their own website.

But, why would you, a Hispanic wine consumer, want to shop there?

PROBLEM: There are too many choices and few wines worth the price.

If you don’t know much about wine, how do you choose? By price, by label, by variety?

SOLUTION: Hire a professional.

Think about the areas in your life where you engage professionals: doctor, lawyer, coach, plumber, auto mechanic, hair stylist, etc. Why not a professional to help you with wine?

You get a better, more personalized wine buying experience and spend less money and time.

  • Puros Vinazos: the wine experts for Spanish-speakers.
  • Big Hammer Wines: the wine experts for English-speakers.

The Right Wine Company with the Right Vision

The Right Wine Company with the Right Vision

Catering directly to the Latin community continues to be rare in the wine industry. Big Hammer Wines has a history of disruption in the wine world. 

Their unique and dynamic business model combines wine expertise with low prices and excellent service. Traditional wine companies operate with salespeople, which increases costs.

By bringing the first Spanish-language wine website to market, Big Hammer Wines advances its goal to be the #1 online wine store for U.S.-based Spanish-speaking and Latin American consumers.

The company’s unique attributes bring the finest wine to all wine lovers, including you:

  • online wine retail only
  • no salespeople, only seasoned wine professionals
  • extensive worldwide travel tasting 4,500 wines annually
  • the most exclusive, prestigious, and highest quality wines plus hidden gems
  • strict criteria to narrow down to only superior wines
  • both English and Spanish websites

How can prices be so low, sometimes half that of the competition?

  • An unequaled business model as an online retailer, importer, and distributor
  • Elimination of intermediaries (salespeople)
  • Low overhead
  • Quantity purchases

What else?

  • A talented, dedicated, and knowledgeable team of wine professionals and staff
  • A focus on customer satisfaction every day
  • The passion for bringing great wines of the world directly to your door
  • Free shipping included with purchases of 6 bottles or more

Future Wine Plans

Future Wine Plans

Everyone deserves great wine at great prices: Puros Vinazos means “Only Great Wines.”

The company’s vision is to become the definitive authority for Spanish and English-speaking wine lovers in the industry.

Part of that vision is to provide customers a dedicated place to feel comfortable and find the wines they want and love.

Later this year, Puros Vinazos will cross the border into Mexico, reaching more Spanish-speaking wine enthusiasts.

Life is short. Drink well. You deserve better wine without the high prices.

Puros Vinazos brings the best of the wine world to Spanish-speaking wine lovers to enjoy.

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